(319) 321-4365

The Coralville Academy
Since 2008, we have been teaching traditional Ving Tsun (pronounced “Wing Chun”) Kung Fu in the Moy Yat and Moy Tung Family of Kung Fu Schools. Kung Fu cultivates the whole person of those who practice. In addition to emphasizing skills which are both powerful and practical, students gain relaxation, health, fitness, and a wealth of mental benefits. Focus, patience, and discipline are all natural outgrowths of steady Kung Fu practice. We firmly believe that the keys to successful training are:
Classes are primarily designed around partner practice with moments of individual instruction and group exercises. While everyone trains for their own individual reasons, each person can gain immeasurably from every training partner. The most advanced students can benefit from practice with juniors even on the new student’s first day. The goal should always be to support and challenge one another respectfully. Forms, Two-Person Drills, Conditioning Exercises, all balanced with proper rest breaks, make a two-hour class seem to fly by!
Think Like a Student
Come with an open mind, an “empty cup,” ready to fill yourself with new ideas and to immerse yourself in the training at hand.
Traditional Training
A complete system, both for training and for fostering respect and productive relationships within the School. Ving Tsun schools are not competitive environments. Senior students lead, junior students follow, all under the guidance of a Sifu.